Opening Hour

Mon - Sun, 8:00am - 8:00pm

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Frequently Asked Question

You May Ask

You need to care about LGBTQ people and their experiences.
Memebership is open to anyone who is age 18 and over.
No, anyone in support of the LGBT people can join.
No! Anyone, of any nationality can join us.
LBGTQ people means, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Queer & questioning people and similar others.
Yes, you can. We welcome freelance journalists, videographers, photographers, editors, reviewers and other media skilled people.
Yes, we welcome lawyers, barristers and legally qualified people to join us in defending the vulnerable.
Yes, you can. We are in dire need of counsellors, therapists, psychologists and psychaitrists and other qualified medical volunteers to assist our members.
Yes, we do! We share ideas, articles, newsreports, info on campaigns, political developments and other pertinent information exchanges that can be beneficial to our LGBTQ communnities.